Am I a Good Candidate for Veneers?

Am I a Good Candidate for Veneers?

Porcelain veneers are thin, custom-made shells crafted from dental-grade porcelain materials designed to cover the front surface of teeth. At H&M Family Dentistry, this cosmetic dentistry solution enhances the smile's appearance by concealing imperfections such as stains, discoloration, chips, cracks, and minor misalignments. Veneers are precisely fabricated to mimic teeth' natural look and feel, providing a durable and long-lasting solution. The application process involves removing a small amount of enamel from the teeth, impressions for custom veneer creation, and bonding the veneers onto the prepared teeth. The result is a seamless, aesthetically pleasing transformation that can significantly improve the overall smile. 

Suitable Candidate for Porcelain Veneers

Good Oral Health 

A suitable candidate for porcelain veneers begins with a foundation of good oral health. Any underlying dental issues, such as cavities or gum disease, should be addressed before considering veneers. A thorough examination by a skilled cosmetic dentist is crucial to ensuring the overall health and stability of the oral environment. 

Cosmetic Goals 

Veneer candidates often have specific cosmetic goals, such as enhancing tooth color, shape, or alignment. Whether it's correcting stains, chips, gaps, or minor misalignments, individuals seeking veneers should have clear cosmetic objectives that align with the capabilities of this transformative procedure. Contact us today!

Sufficient Tooth Structure 

Veneers require a minimal amount of enamel removal for proper bonding. Suitable candidates should have sufficient tooth structure to support the veneers without compromising the overall health and stability of the teeth. This ensures a secure and long-lasting result. 

Commitment to Maintenance 

Being an ideal veneer candidate involves a commitment to oral hygiene and regular dental check-ups. While veneers are resistant to staining, maintaining good oral habits and attending routine dental visits ensures the longevity and optimal appearance of the veneers. 

The Procedure for Dental Veneers

The procedure for porcelain veneers in Aurora, CO, typically involves several key steps. It begins with a thorough consultation with our dentist in Aurora, CO, where the patient discusses their cosmetic goals and the desired outcome. After determining candidacy, the dentist prepares the teeth by removing a small amount of enamel to accommodate the veneers. Impressions of the prepared teeth are taken to create custom veneers that precisely fit each tooth. Temporary veneers may be placed while the permanent ones are being fabricated. During the final appointment, the custom veneers are bonded to the teeth using a strong adhesive, and any necessary adjustments are made to ensure a perfect fit and natural appearance. The result is a transformed and aesthetically pleasing smile with the durability and stain resistance characteristic of porcelain veneers. 

Porcelain veneers are a versatile and transformative cosmetic dentistry option, allowing individuals to achieve a radiant and confident smile with lasting aesthetic benefits. Visit H&M Family Dentistry at 2711 S Parker Rd., Aurora, CO 80014, or call (303) 353-9611 to learn more about porcelain veneers. 

H&M Family Dentistry

Phone: (303) 353-9611



2711 S Parker Rd., Aurora , CO 80014

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  • Friday: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
  • Saturday: Closed
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